Air Pirates Funnies #1
click for detailed cover
Air Pirates Funnies #1
1st Printing
TOUANC Price Guide #31
August 1971
Air Pirates Collective/Northern California Power Failure/Hell Comic
7" x 10 1/4"
36 pages
Printrun: 30,000
Cover: Glossy color
Guts: Newsprint
This comix was the basis for a successful copyright infringement suit by Walt Disney Productions against the Air Pirates. It depicts Disney characters involved with sex and drugs. Further sales and future reprinting of copies were barred as a result of the suit. The Air Pirates contended that the characters were in effect public figures and therefore legal subjects for satire.

Also see:
SRUCC: Air Pirates Funnies #2
SRUCC: Air Pirates Funnies Tabloid
Comixjoint: The Air Pirates Series
Comixjoint: Air Pirates Funnies #1
Grand Comics Database: Air Pirates Funnies #1.

Bobby London - 1, 3-13, 25-34+, 35, 36
Gary Hallgren - 2, 23, 24, 25-34+
Dan O'Neill - 13-20, 25-34+
Ted Richards - 21, 22, 25-34+, 36
2 - Big Mac
3 - Dirty Duck
13 - Silly Sympathies
21 - Dopin' Dan
23 - Keyhole Komix presents "As You Like It"
25 - Silly Sympathies presents "The Mouse"
35 - Merton of the Movement
36 - Dopin' Dan